Wolfgang Minatti
Wolfgang Minatti
I am a researcher working on legitimation and governance in international politics and civil war.
I work as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Potsdam.
My research deals with
How are political systems upheld during conflict? What is the relation between violence, authority and support?
How can we theorise and operationalise legitimation in contexts of complex governance such as international politics or civil war?
Qualitative Methods
When should we do fieldwork? What are the ethics of fieldwork in contexts of political violence?
How do multi-layered governance systems interact? How do armed actors govern in civil war?
Peer Reviewed
Forthcoming. ‘Being Affected’: The Epistemic Value of Vulnerability in Fieldwork.
Qualitative Research,
With F. Guillaume Gass-Quintero.
2024. Of Assistants and Researchers: Vulnerability during Fieldwork on the Colombian Conflict.
Qualitative Research,
With Laura Ramírez Rodríguez.
2024. Legitimate Governance in International Politics: Towards a Relational Theory of Legitimation.
Review of International Studies
, 50 (4), pp. 662-681.
2024. Whither Willkommenskultur? National Identity Discourses and the Arrival of Refugees in Germany in 2015/16.
Journal for Ethnic and Migration Studies
, Online First, With Selma Kropp.
2023. A Key Success Factor: Elucidating the Meaning of Legitimacy for UN Peacekeepers.
Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding
, 17(5), pp. 557-576.
2020. Concepts of Legitimacy: Congruence and Divergence in the Afghan Conflict.
Civil Wars
, 22(1), pp. 1-15, With Isabelle Duyvesteyn.
Working Papers
Justifying Violence: Comparative Judgements and Rebel Legitimacy in Colombia
Self-Legitimation as a Bureaucratic Tool: EU Bureaucracy and the Legitimising Function of Children’s Rights. With Selma Kropp
The Rhetorics of "Zeitenwende": Legitimising Support for Ukraine in Parliamentary Debates. With Rebecca Kittel
2024. Frieden von unten: Zivilgesellschaftliche Versöhnung in Kolumbien.
WZB Mitteilungen
2024. Rebel Governance as Self-Legitimation: The Case of the FARC in Colombia.
Civil War Paths Blog
2023. Fieldwork and Vulnerability in Political Science. [Video].
SAGE Research Methods
2021. Memory of Violence and Conflict in Cabrera, Colombia.
EUI Ideas
2021. Legitimate Governance and the Taliban’s Takeover.
EUI Ideas
2020. The Challenges of the Afghan Peace Talks.
EUI Ideas
University Potsdam
2024/25. Studying the 'Global South': Methods, Histories and Critiques. M
A Seminar
2024/25. Introduction to Security Politics.
BA Seminar
2024. Introduction to Security Politics.
BA Seminar
European University Institute
2023. A Lifecycle of Fieldwork.
PhD Seminar
. With Ophelia Nicole-Berva and Samuel Ritholtz.
2021. Conducting Qualitative Fieldwork.
PhD Seminar
. With Caitlin Procter and Mariusz Bogacki.
TU Darmstadt
2022. Social Phenomena of Rebel Groups.
MA Seminar
Dr. Wolfgang Minatti
Department for Political and Administrative Science
University Potsdam
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